St Leonards Medical Centre.

St Leonards Medical Centre

145 Pleasance


EH8 9RU.


Tel: 0131 668 4547  



New patients


As of 21/11/24 we are accepting new patient registrations.


Please attend the surgery with proof of address and photo ID and ask for an application form.


Flu vaccinations 2024/25


The way you will get your flu vaccine this year has changed.


People aged 70 or over will now be sent a letter by the national booking system with details of an appointment at a vaccination centre.


From now on, GP practices will not administer the Flu jab. Across Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships are taking on this role in line with the GP Contract agreed by BMA Scotland on behalf of Scottish GPs. This change has been agreed to relieve pressure on GP practices. As a result your local practice will not offer any flu vaccinations or handle any booking queries for people in eligible groups.


Instead, the flu vaccine will be delivered by the four Health and Social Care Partnerships in Lothian - East Lothian; Midlothian; Edinburgh and West Lothian.


If you require further information or you need to rearrange your appointment, please contact the helpline on your appointment invitation or the local enquiry line on 0300 790 6296.


Please do not contact your GP. 


You can find out more on the websites of the Health and Social Care Partnerships or on NHS Inform



St Leonards GPs

Dr David Boag MB ChB, MRCGP


Dr Martin Slattery MB ChB, BSc(hons), MRCGP

Dr Allison Thomas MB ChB, MRCGP, DOccMed


Please note that we are a training Practice and as such, support trainee GP’s throughout their training. They are present and working within the Practice with the support and supervision of our GP team.


Regular Locum


Dr Andy Seagrave MB ChB




The Nursing Team


Practice Nurse:

Heather Packwood can be seen by appointment only from Monday to Thursday. Heather is available to carry out blood tests, dressings, injections, smear tests, chronic disease management and other skilled procedures. 


Practice Nurse:

Beth Crane can be seen by appointment only. She is here Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.  Beth is available to carry out blood tests, dressings, injections, smear tests, chronic disease management and other skilled procedures.

Health Visitor:

There are health visitors attached to the practice, however they are based elsewhere.

Tel: 0131 666 5175


Midwives are now based at Lauriston Building

Tel: 0131 672 9457

District Nurse: We have a team of experienced community staff nurses.  They are based outwith the surgery.


Tel: 0131 666 5178



Administration Team

Practice Manger: Kelly Kidd

Phone: 0131 668 4547

Senior Receptionist: Anne Drummond
Receptionists: Lesley Aird, Rachel Angus, Emma Millar, Nicola Clarkson and Susanna Anderson.

Clinical PA: Kerray Ranken

The practice staff have a wealth of experience of their own and can help you with many queries.

Please be patient as they can be very busy.



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