Disabled Access
Disabled access is via the front entrance. There is a ramp from the pavement to the front door and the access from the car park to the front door is wheelchair accessible. Doorways are wide enough for a wheelchair and there are no stairs within the building. We have a disabled toilet.
Guide dogs are welcome and there are Braille signs on most of the doors within the building.
Travel to the surgery
St Leonards has a patient car park and is well served by public transport. Rails for securing bicycles are available adjacent to the main entrance
House Visits
Should you be too ill to attend the surgery please request a home visit before 10.30 on the day of request. Please note that we triage our house call requests and the Doctor will most likely phone you before deciding if a visit is necessary.
Out of Hours Medical Attention
The telephone number for NHS24 is 111. To visit their website click here
PLEASE NOTE: - this very busy and valued service is for EMERGENCIES ONLY and not for routine matters.
All calls to NHS24 are confidential and are voice recorded for medico-legal purposes.
In a life threatening emergency please call an immediate ambulance by dialing 999
New Patients
When registering with the practice we need to see proof of residency. You can use any document that shows your name and current address – e.g. utility bill; bank statement; lease; council tax statement. In addition we need to see photographic ID such as a driver’s license; passport; matriculation card.
New permanent or temporary registrations can be made in person any time when our list is open at the practice reception desk, provided your address is within the recognised practice area. This is shown on our practice boundary page. We would not accept new patients from outwith this area, in keeping with health board guidelines.
Test Results
When contacting the Practice regarding Test Results, please do so after 11.00am Monday-Friday on 0131 668 4547.
To ensure confidentiality, we only release results to the patient. We will not release results to friends or relatives unless this has been agreed in writing.
Patients who are on Warfarin will usually be able to access their results on the evening that the test was done. In addition we will write to patients on Warfarin with a breakdown of the recommended daily dose.
Most other laboratory test results can be accessed 3 working days after submission.
Hospital based tests such as scans or X-Rays can take a little longer. Staff at the hospital department should be able to provide you with a timescale for results
Change of Address and Other Details
It is important that we have up to date addresses and contact details for our patients. If there are any changes we would be grateful if you could inform us as soon as possible. You can use the contact form on this site to inform us of any changes. Alternatively you can write to us or complete a form at the reception desk.
Locum Doctors
There are times when it is necessary for us to engage locum doctors. This is usually to cover holidays and other absences. All the locum doctors we engage are fully qualified General medical Practitioners and they have full access to your medical records.
Antenatal Clinic – run by the Midwives - 0131 536 3517
Baby Immunisation Clinic – run by the Health Visitors based at Conan Doyle Medical Centre - 0131 666 5171
Blood Pressure Clinic – run by the Practice Nurses, the aim of this clinic is to help maintain a normal blood pressure and prevent complications. We will invite patients with high blood pressure at least annually for a BP review.
Diabetes Clinic – Jointly run by the Practice Nurses and the GPs, this clinic is designed to maximise the care given to patients with Type 2 Diabetes with a view to preventing complications of this disease. If you have Type 2 Diabetes we will invite you to be seen at least annually. We will take blood tests, discuss your diet and lifestyle, check your feet, discuss eye tests and make any necessary alterations to your medication.
If you are affected by Type 2 Diabetes you may find the following link helpful Diabetes UK
Respiratory Clinics – Run by the practice Nurses, these clinics deal with two common chest illnesses – Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). At each of these clinics your breathing will be tested, the impact the disease is having on your life will be discussed and any beneficial alterations to your medication will be discussed.
If you are affected by Asthma you may find the following link useful Asthma UK
If you are affected by COPD follow this link BLF
Coronary Heart Disease/Stroke – This clinic is run jointly by the Practice Nurses and the GPs and it aims to support patients who have a history of heart disease (angina; heart attack; by-pass surgery; high cholesterol; heart failure; stroke or mini-stroke). We will invite you annually when we will take blood tests and discuss lifestyle choices as well as making any necessary adjustments to your medication. A useful website is CHSS
Information on a variety of medical conditions can be found Here
Health Visitors - The health visiting team is based at:
Conan Doyle Medical Centre,
4 Nether Liberton Lane,
Edinburgh EH6 5TY.
Telephone 0131 666 5175.
If calling, please leave a short message with your child’s name and date of birth and someone will get back to you.
Hours of work are Monday-Friday 9-5. We are closed on NHS public holidays.
Health visitors are nurses or midwives with additional training in health visiting. We offer support to families by promoting health and development and monitoring growth. We can support with issues such as feeding, sleeping, toileting & behaviour. Appointments usually take place in a family's own home.
Someone from the team will contact you if your child has recently registered at the GP practice or you have just had a baby. You may also be contacted in the last trimester of pregnancy by your health visitor to introduce themselves and the service.
If you have any medical concerns about you or your child, please seek appropriate medical attention by calling your GP practice. If out of hours, call NHS 24 on 111. In an emergency please call 999.
Immunisations are no longer carried out by health visitors. Please contact the community vaccination team on 0131 312 1860 if you have any vaccination appointment queries.
Some useful online parenting resources can be found here:
We’re here for you | Parent Club
Child Accident Prevention Trust | A safer world for all our children (capt.org.uk)
Support for families – The City of Edinburgh Council[258520814]
BASIS – Baby Sleep Information Source (basisonline.org.uk)
Potty training: how to start & best age to potty train - ERIC